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2022-05-19 2:00 PM

Governance, cybersecurity and data protection for corporates

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How the Companies prevent Financial Risks and Reputation Loss?

Join our next webinar, and discover the key factors that the companies need to consider preventing and detect corporate risk and financial losses. How the Data Protection Law changed corporate business processes, M&A transactions, and the evaluation of cyber risks? At our next webinar we will discuss the impact on security, privacy, compliance.

In Brazil, the LGPD is a sweeping data privacy regulation approved and signed into law by the Brazilian government. It provides a wide range of consumer rights regarding personal data and demands multiple compliance steps by affected companies.

We are organizing a webinar where we will talk about the financial risks and its impact on the company’s reputation. We will explore the ways to escape the mistakes based on the global financial estimations in terms of loses and cyberattacks with the panel of experts:

Join us on May 19, 14:00 Sao Paolo time to explore more.

Financial Risks and Reputation Loss
Key factors motivating the rise of attacks
Corporate ability to detect, respond and recover the attacks
Estimates of global financial losses from cyber attacks and financial losses from ransomware attacks
Estimated investments in data protection and global regulations
How to escape the mistakes and take the right steps?
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