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2023-05-24 6:00 PM

M&A strategies and trends in 2023: Scaling up in Israel

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We are pleased to invite you to join us on May 24, 2023, for our next event, M&A Strategies, and Trends in 2023: Scaling up in Israel.

As we approach the end of the first half of 2023, it’s clear that the M&A market is presenting unique challenges both locally and globally. As such, it is essential to convene and discuss current trends and lessons learned, as well as to prepare for what lies ahead in the second half of the year.

Our next event brings together prominent speakers and experts in the field to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities for Israeli companies both locally and globally.

Through interactive panel discussions and networking opportunities, you will gain a competitive edge to help you navigate the complexities of the M&A landscape in 2023.

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