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2021-04-29 6:00 PM

Opportunities in the Portuguese hotel industry – 2021

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In 2020, overnight stays in Portugal fell by more than 63%. The lowest levels in almost 40 years due to the current healthcare crisis. Despite this, 42 new hotels (7,079 rooms) are currently under construction in the country.

We are already 4 months into 2021 and the tourism industry in Portugal has not been able to operate given government restrictions. Thus, after more than 1 year without full capacity and increasing debt levels; the hotel industry is on the light spot for debt and equity investors.

Numerous Spanish players including Azora, Portobello and Navis have pledged more than € 1 Bn to invest in the Iberian hotel industry. But there is also interest from large multi-strategy players such as Bain, Blackstone, and Apollo. According to the media, these funds are competing to acquire a PE owned portfolio of 20 hotels and development land in Portugal for a total of €1.4 Bn.

Please join us for our next webinar on April 29th at 16:00 PT time to dive deeper into the subject with a panel of seasoned professionals.

Participation is free and everyone is welcome to attend.

An introduction to the Portuguese Hotel market.
The effects of the pandemia on Hotel’s debt structure and M&A.
Legal framework in Portugal for loan to own and other strategies.
Keys for origination and execution of transactions in the industry.
Future trends:

Corporate & Asset Transactions.
Changes in legal framework.
Government support.

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