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2024-06-20 8:00 PM (GMT+2)

Wine tasting night:
Real estate professionals
in Iberia

Register now

Join us on for an exclusive evening at one of Madrid’s most intriguing restaurants, the Cannibal Raw Bar.

After several lackluster years, experts are forecasting that 2024 will be a strong year for European real estate investment. Falling inflation means lower interest rates to come, while resilient demand and short supply are pushing prices up, especially in Spain.

The M&A Community, in collaboration with iDeals, invites you to come along on June 20 to chat about the prospects over a friendly drink in the heart of Madrid’s bustling barrio de Justicia.

Seating is limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

To register for this free event, just fill out the form and we’ll contact you with further details.