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Navigating exit options: IPOs and acquisitions explained
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Navigating exit options: IPOs and acquisitions explained

emea Investment
Updated: Jul 9, 2024

IPOs are often seen as the ultimate success for investors, offering returns almost six times higher than M&A exits. However, achieving an IPO demands significantly more capital — almost six times more than acquisitions. Additionally, IPOs necessitate 1.5 times more financing rounds.

Therefore, it’s important to understand both IPO and acquisition strategies to make informed choices about exit options, as each path has its own risks and rewards.

This article aims to compare IPOs vs. acquisitions and provide insights into their advantages, challenges, and implications, helping you make well-informed decisions about exit strategies.

Understanding IPOs

Initial public offering (IPO) is the process by which a private company offers its shares to the public for the first time, allowing it to be listed on a stock exchange. This transition from private to public ownership enables the company to raise capital from a broad range of investors.
Here’s an overview of the typical process for initial public offerings:

Preparation and hiring advisors

Preparation for IPO starts with the company evaluating its readiness, considering financial health, market conditions, and the overall state of the IPO market. An investment bank (underwriters), legal advisors, accountants, and public relations firms are hired to assist private companies in the process.

Due diligence and regulatory filings

Comprehensive financial audits are conducted to ensure the accuracy and compliance of the company’s financial statements. A detailed prospectus is prepared, outlining the company’s business model, financial status, management, and risk factors. The prospectus is submitted to regulatory authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S., for review and approval.

Marketing and price setting

Company executives and investment bankers conduct a roadshow, presenting the investment case to potential investors. Underwriters assess investor interest through a book-building process to determine the initial offer price and the number of shares to be sold, helping the company raise money efficiently.

First day of trading

The company’s shares begin trading on the chosen public exchange, marking the official transition from a private to a public company.

Post-IPO phase

The company must comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, including regular financial reporting and disclosure obligations. It monitors share performance and engages in investor relations activities to maintain and enhance investor confidence.

Note: There’s an alternative route for companies to go public, known as special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs). How do SPACs work? Read our dedicated article to find out.

Pros and cons of IPOs

Let’s explore the key advantages and disadvantages of an IPO exit strategy.


Access to capital

A company going public can raise more capital from the public market than from the private market. This money can then be used for expansion, research and development, debt repayment, and other corporate purposes. This additional growth capital also strengthens the company’s balance sheet and provides a buffer for future financial needs.

Enhanced credibility and public visibility

Being publicly traded can enhance visibility and reputation, making a company more attractive to customers, partners, and potential employees. Moreover, public companies are required to adhere to strict regulatory and reporting standards, which can improve investor confidence.

Liquidity for shareholders

Existing shareholders, such as founders, early investors, venture capitalists, and employees can sell shares and realize investor returns. IPO stock can also be used as part of employee compensation packages, aiding in talent acquisition and retention.

Currency for acquisitions

Publicly traded shares can be used as a form of currency for mergers and acquisitions, enabling a surge of growth through acquisitions.

Market valuation

Going public allows the market to establish IPO valuations, serving as a benchmark for assessing the company’s worth and potential.


High costs

The IPO process is expensive, involving significant fees for underwriters, legal advisors, accountants, and regulatory filings. Publicly traded companies also face ongoing expenses related to compliance, reporting, and investor relations.

Regulatory burdens

Public companies are subject to strict regulatory requirements and extensive disclosures. Maintaining compliance with regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act can be time-consuming and costly.

Market pressure

Public companies often face pressure from shareholders to deliver short-term results, which can conflict with long-term strategic goals. Additionally, the company’s stock price can be highly volatile, influenced by market conditions, investor sentiment, and external events.

Loss of control

An IPO dilutes the ownership stakes of existing shareholders, potentially reducing their control over the company. Public companies must answer to a board of directors and shareholders, which can limit management’s autonomy in decision-making.

Exploring acquisitions

An acquisition refers to the process by which one company buys another company through various means, such as purchasing its assets or shares. Acquisitions are typically undertaken to achieve strategic objectives such as expanding market share, gaining access to new technologies or talent, or diversifying product offerings.

Here’s what the process involves from the acquiring company’s perspective:

  • Identifying strategic objectives for acquisition (market expansion, technology acquisition)
  • Conducting due diligence to assess financial health and potential synergies
  • Negotiating terms, including purchase price and conditions
  • Planning integration to optimize operational efficiencies and achieve synergies

From the target company’s perspective, the acquisition process involves:

  • Evaluating strategic fit and benefits of acquisition (cultural alignment, growth prospects)
  • Collaborating during due diligence to provide necessary information
  • Negotiating terms ensuring a smooth transition and addressing concerns, including deal structuring
  • Preparing for integration, focusing on maintaining employee and customer relationships

Compared to an IPO, acquisitions can provide a quicker strategic exit because they involve a direct purchase agreement between the acquiring company and the acquired company, typically resulting in immediate liquidity for the selling shareholders. This contrasts with IPOs, which require a lengthy process of regulatory approvals, market conditions, and investor sentiment before shares can be publicly traded. 

Pros and cons of acquisitions

Now, let’s see what benefits and drawbacks an acquisition deal can bring to companies.


Strategic expansion and business scaling

Acquisitions can quickly expand market presence, geographic reach, or product lines, allowing companies to achieve growth objectives faster than through organic means.

Access to talent and technology

Acquiring companies can gain access to specialized talent, proprietary technologies, or innovative processes that enhance their competitive edge.

Synergies and cost savings

Combining operations can lead to synergies in areas such as procurement, distribution, and research and development, resulting in cost savings and improved efficiency.


Acquiring companies can diversify their risk by entering new markets or industries, reducing dependency on a single market segment.

Increased market share and competitive advantage

Acquisitions can help a newly formed company increase its market share by capturing a larger portion of the market and solidifying its competitive advantage through strategic purchases.


Integration challenges

Merging different organizational cultures, systems, and processes can be complex and time-consuming, potentially leading to operational disruptions and employee morale issues.

Financial risks

Acquisitions involve financial commitments and risks, including overpaying for the target company, unexpected liabilities, and integration costs.

Regulatory scrutiny and legal issues

Acquisitions often require regulatory approvals and compliance with antitrust laws, adding complexity and potential delays to the process.

Dilution of focus

Managing post-acquisition integration and operations can divert management attention from core business activities, potentially affecting performance and strategic focus.

Note: There are other capital raising solutions that you can read about in our comprehensive article.

Comparing IPO vs. acquisition

Let’s compare acquisition vs. IPO in terms of several metrics:

TimelineLonger (months to over a year)Relatively shorter (typically months)
ComplexityHigh, involving regulatory compliance, market conditions, and investor relationsHigh, involving negotiations, due diligence, and integration planning
ControlExisting management team retains controlTypically, results in a change of control
Financial outcomesPotential for higher valuation and capital raise, but subject to market conditionsCan provide immediate liquidity for shareholders, potential for premium valuation depending on synergies
RisksRisks include market volatility, regulatory compliance, and investor sentimentRisks include integration challenges, cultural fit, and regulatory hurdles
CostsCosts include underwriting fees, legal fees, and compliance costsCosts associated with acquisition, due diligence, legal fees, and integration
FlexibilitySubject to market demand and investor perceptionMore flexibility in the negotiation of terms and conditions
Market exposureExtensive exposure, subject to public scrutiny and market reactionsLimited exposure, deal specifics negotiated privately

Financial implications and market conditions

Market conditions can be crucial when making an exit decision. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Market valuation

In a bull market with rising stock prices and positive investor sentiment, companies might lean towards an IPO to achieve higher valuations and raise more capital. In a bear market with falling stock prices and negative sentiment, IPOs become less attractive due to the risk of not achieving desired valuations. Companies might prefer being acquired, especially if a strategic buyer offers a premium.

  • Liquidity and access to capital

High liquidity means there are many capital-seeking investment opportunities, making IPOs more attractive. Low liquidity makes raising capital through an IPO challenging, leading companies to favor acquisitions where buyers might pay in cash or stock.

  • Investor appetite

Positive investor sentiment increases the appetite for new and growing companies, often resulting in successful IPOs. Negative sentiment leads to risk-averse investors, making acquisitions more appealing as they provide a quicker and often more secure exit strategy.

  • Economic conditions

Economic growth supports IPOs for expansion and capital raising. Economic recession drives preference for stable and secure acquisitions.

  • Regulatory environment

Favorable regulations for public listings can encourage companies to go public. Stringent, expensive, and time-consuming regulations might make acquisitions a more appealing option.

  • Market comparables

Successful recent IPOs in the same industry encourage companies to pursue an IPO. A trend of lucrative acquisitions can make following that path advantageous, leveraging favorable acquisition terms.

Additional read: For a deeper understanding of financial considerations in deciding between an IPO and an acquisition, explore our articles on business valuation analysis and financial modeling examples.

Decision-making factors

When a company decides between an IPO and an acquisition, several factors should be considered:

  • A company’s valuation

Companies must assess potential valuations achievable through an IPO versus what acquirers are willing to pay. This includes considering market conditions, long-term growth prospects, and comparable company valuations.

  • Strategic goals

Aligning the exit strategy with long-term strategic objectives is crucial. An IPO may offer access to capital for growth and expansion, while an acquisition could provide synergies, market expansion, or technology integration.

  • Market conditions

Favorable market conditions, including investor sentiment and liquidity, can impact the attractiveness of both IPOs and acquisitions.

  • Risk and control

Companies evaluate the level of control they wish to maintain. An IPO dilutes ownership but offers access to capital of public markets, whereas an acquisition often involves loss of control but may provide immediate liquidity.

  • Timing and readiness

Assessing the company’s readiness for public scrutiny, compliance with regulatory requirements, and readiness for integration (in case of acquisition) are critical considerations.

  • Financial considerations

Factors such as cost of capital, taxation implications, and financial stability of potential acquirers or market investors also influence the decision-making process.

  • Cultural fit and integration

In acquisitions, cultural alignment with the acquiring company and the integration process play significant roles in ensuring the success of the transaction.

Key takeaways

  • When companies decide to go public, they offer their shares to the public for the first time, allowing them to be listed on a stock exchange.
  • IPOs provide access to significant capital, enhance credibility, offer liquidity for shareholders, and enable market valuation, but come with high costs, regulatory burdens, and market pressure.
  • Acquisitions allow quick market expansion, access to talent and technology, cost synergies, and diversification, often providing immediate liquidity. But they also pose integration challenges, financial risks, regulatory scrutiny, and dilution of a company’s brand and management focus.
  • IPOs involve longer timelines, higher complexity, and market exposure, while acquisitions offer quicker exits, more control over terms, and less public scrutiny.
  • Aligning the exit strategy with the company’s long-term objectives and readiness is essential for ensuring the success of the chosen path.