Denise Salles is a partner in the Corporate & Finance practice and the of the Compliance practice at Vella, Pugliese, Buosi e Guidoni Advogados in strategic alliance with Dentons. With more than 50 years of experience, she represents national and international clients in a wide range of industries, such as payment services, construction, real estate, financial, energy and health industries. Denise has extensive experience in corporate law, corporate contracts, foreign investment and all kinds of compliance related matters, such as compliance programs, trainings, internal investigations, compliance due diligences, whistleblowing channels, risk assessments and agreements with authorities. Denise is a member of da WWCDA – Women´s White collar Defense Association, of Brazilian Bar Association Commission of Compliance Matters, of the Brazilian Bar Association Corporate Law Commission, and of Instituto de Direito Societário Aplicado – IDSA. She graduated in law at Universidade de São Paulo, is specialized in Business Administration by FGV-SP, is specialized in Corporate Law by PUC, and is specialized in Leadership Development by Fundação Dom Cabral.
Denise Salles
Compliance Officer at Grupo CCR