Rich Foster

Founder at E2E Blockchains, Former VP at Citi
Rich Foster - Founder at E2E Blockchains, Former VP at Citi


Rich is a former Bank Operations manager with over 20 years of financial service sales and operations experience, most recently as Citi’s North America Settlements Manager. His roles have included Institutional Client Service, Product Development, International Settlement, and Central Bank Cash Settlement Operations.

At Citi, he was responsible for Intraday and End of Day Settlement with the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of Canada, DTCC, CDS and other FMIs. Rich became passionate about the potential application of blockchain technology for Wholesale Banking when details about the Utility Settlement Coin Project (now Fnality International) were released in 2017. He made it his mission to spread the word about potential application of Central Bank Digital Currencies using other innovative solutions, such as intraday FX settlement and intraday lending. He created E2E Blockchains as the culmination of the effort to connect applications End to End throughout the blockchain ecosystems.

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